How To Get Campfire Smell Out Of Clothes

How To Get Campfire Smell Out Of Clothes

One of the basic things that many campers do when returning from a camping trip is to wash their clothes in the washing machine with warm water and soap in order to make the clothes smell free from the Campfire Smell. Sometimes you may smell the scent of fire, especially after you wash it in the washing machine, and we will explain how to get rid of the Campfire Smell that is present in the clothes. 

Does Campfire Smell Ruin Clothes?

A campfire can damage your clothes if you repeatedly expose them directly to the smoke of a campfire without washing them properly. This will make your clothes smell bad. You may not smell the natural clothes again. 

For example, You must have a heavy shirt to wear on cold camping nights. Well, if you only rarely wash this shirt, exposure for a few weeks with random washes in between can spoil the upper part as the clothes will get odorously soaked in the fibres and thus become part of these fibres permanently. 

How Long Does Campfire Smell Last in Clothes?

The length of time the smell of fire varies greatly depending on the clothing. If you wear a jacket and you are close to the fire and then you put this jacket in the closet without washing it from the smell of the fire, the smell will remain for a long time and may last for months when you pull it out again.

Ways to getting Campfire Smells out of Your Clothing 

In fact, getting rid of the smell is not easy. There are many local methods that people use in order to get rid of this smell. We will explain some ways that will make you get rid of the smell of fire once and for all: 

The Hot Water Method Always Use Hot Water

Hot Water

If you want to get rid of the campfire smell from your clothes using the traditional method by washing them using a washing machine, you should use hot water.

And clothing industry experts advise removing odours, whether these smells are unpleasant or pleasant, through the use of hot water.

And before you wash your clothes with hot water, you must follow some tips that we will mention now, which are:

  • To check labels for safety purposes:

Before you put your clothes in the washing machine, you should check the labels that are on your clothes as there are some washing recommendations and therefore you will be able to detect if you can wash your clothes or cut your clothes using hot water without any happening Shrink or damage and if this sign indicates the presence of cold water only, then you will change the method using another method.

  • Doing the regular cycle:

Whether you are washing one item or you are washing two pieces of clothing, we advise you to use the normal cycle and if hot water works well on odours, it makes sense to use hot water, which is what you will get in the normal cycle and therefore you will get rid of odors More than doing a quick and gentle cycle.

  • To raise the temperature:

If the washing machine you are using has a function that allows you to raise the temperature, you should check your clothes and find out the maximum level that they can handle. Then set the washing machine to this temperature. If you have an old washing machine, you can adjust the water temperature by raising the temperature of the water heater and the high temperature. This will help you open the fibres from the clothes and thus will allow the water and detergent to reach the depths of the clothes where there is an odor of smoke. 

Read More: The Perfect Guide To Camping For Beginners

White Vinegar Method

White Vinegar

There is another solution other than using hot water, and white vinegar is one of the best options that you can use in order to remove unpleasant odors from clothes, especially the Campfire Smell. White vinegar works as a good remover of odors stuck in clothes.

In order for the method to be successful, you will need these things:

  • Washbasin: In order to carry out the process of washing clothes, you must provide a washbasin, whatever the size of this basin, but the size of the basin should be somewhat large, especially if you have a lot of clothes.
  • Hot water: As we mentioned previously, hot water is one of the best ways to remove unpleasant odors from clothes, but with the use of water and white vinegar, you will get a great and better result. It is preferable to see water vapour rising from heating the water, but be careful not to burn yourself and your hands.
  • White vinegar: You can get white vinegar from your local grocery store and it is the main ingredient for this washing method.
  • Hanger: When you’re done washing, you’ll use the Hanger to dry your washed clothes in the open air.

After you have brought and assembled these tools, follow these steps in order to complete the process of fumigating clothes and removing the smell of a campfire or unpleasant odors:

  • Hang the clothes: The first step is to hang the clothes you want to clean, then hang the clothes using curtain rods.
  • Fill the tub with hot water: Fill the tub with hot water that your clothes can withstand, through the steam generated by the water, and fill the tub to the centre mark and the used tub should be directly under the clothes.
  • Pour the white vinegar into the water: Pour the entire small bottle of white vinegar into the hot water.

After completing these steps, leave the bathroom and close the bathroom to the clothes for two hours, in order to allow the water vapour loaded with vinegar to remove the lingering smells and the Campfire Smell from your clothes.

While the steam of the boiling water helps to open the tissues of the clothes and fabrics, the vinegar works to get rid of odors, and after the two hours are up, smell the clothes again.

The vinegar method can be used when washing clothes in a washing machine, for that all you have to do is do these steps correctly:

  • Load detergent into the washer: Pour half a cup of non-abrasive, non-scented detergent into the washing machine.
  • Running the washing machine on the normal cycle: After adding water and detergent, run the washing machine on the normal cycle, adjusting the temperature of the water used.
  • Water heating: Adjust the temperature of the water used for washing, and it is preferable to put the temperature at the highest temperature allowed for washing your clothes.
  • Adding vinegar: When the washer is half full, add ½ cup of vinegar and then close the lid of the washer.
  • Dry clothes: After you have finished washing the clothes well, dry the clothes and you can use several methods, including using a washing dryer or placing the laundry in the open air.
  • Attack the Smell with Baking Soda

Khobar soda is one of the most available products in our homes and has many benefits, but one of the most important benefits that we can get is to get rid of the Campfire Smell and unpleasant smells of clothes, and for that, you should follow the following steps well:

  • Washing machine: You will need a washing machine in order to do this method and you can use both top-loading and front-loading washing machines.
  • Cleaner: It is preferable to use a liquid detergent that does not contain removers, and it is also preferable that it is not perfumed or abrasive for the success of this method.
  • Baking soda: For cleaning a few clothes, half a cup of baking soda is sufficient, but if you intend to wash heavy clothes, jackets, blankets, and coats, you will need to use a full cup of baking soda for this.

After bringing this equipment, you can do the laundry by following these steps:

  • Run the washing machine on the normal or heavy cycle, depending on the size and amount of clothes you are going to wash.
  • Set the water temperature too high, the hotter the water, the better, but make sure the temperature is right for the clothes you are going to wash.
  • Put the detergent into the water and wait for the detergent to dissolve in the water and disappear.
  • Add a cup or half a cup of baking soda to the water, depending on what you are washing, and then close the washing machine door and leave it until the washing cycle is complete.
  • Dry the clothes as we mentioned in the previous method, and if you are washing blankets and sleeping bags, you should review the instructions for drying them before placing them in the electric dryer.

Use a Bio-Enzymatic Treatment

Bio-Enzymatic Treatment

A great way to get rid of bad odors, especially campfire smells, bio-enzymatic treatments is used extensively in carpets and closets, especially RV tanks, but they work well to get rid of fire smell from clothes.

You can use these enzymatic treatments on any washable surface, including fabrics. The proteins that make up these enzymatic treatments work on permeating fibers and fabrics, which leads to cracking and removing stains and odors greatly. This remover is used to get rid of pet odors on carpets.

Odour-Eliminating Sprays

Odour-Eliminating Sprays

It is one of the quick options that you can use in order to get rid of the smell of camp smoke, and all you will need to make this instant spray will need some light equipment that is available in all homes.

You will need vinegar, water, and essential oil to make the atomizer, and a spray bottle to put the ingredients in.

Mix these ingredients in equal proportions of vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then put some drops of essential oil and then spray your clothes with this mixture in order to get quickly rid of odors.


One of the most annoying things for many on camping trips is the unpleasant smell of their clothes resulting from campfires, but there are many ways to remove the Campfire Smell from clothes and in this article we have mentioned the best of these ways that you can do simply, all you have to do is choose the method that suits you to clean your clothes.

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